Working from home became a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many employees still enjoy the flexibility a remote commute can bring.

But while this ever-growing trend has many positives – including helping those with childcare commitments back into the workforce – many business owners still have concerns over productivity. Here are three easy ways to track performance at a distance:

Value results – not the means

Full-on surveillance of your staff will likely make them feel invaded and resentful. Instead, ensure each employee has clear and measurable goals to achieve, so they can plan their time effectively. This way, you won’t have to constantly check your employees are at their desks – just that they’re meeting their targets.

Take advantage of project management software to support communication

Project management software such as Slack or Asana can be a godsend if you need to share details en masse or group people into teams. It also allows your remote employees to quickly contact managers or colleagues to ask questions, source crucial information missing from their brief, or report technical problems.

Help employees break down tasks & reward efficiency

Large projects can often feel overwhelming, leading some remote workers to procrastinate. Help your team cope psychologically by breaking down big tasks into smaller, more digestible milestones.

Once a project is complete, review how well each employee has met their goals and deadlines. Consider personally thanking top performers or offering increased freedom and other benefits to keep their focus razor sharp.

Likewise, reach out to people who don’t perform as well to check they’re receiving adequate support – a simple tweak could make a huge difference to what they’re able to bring to the team.

A flexible working environment can attract loyal and committed team players who appreciate the benefits of working for your business. If managed correctly, a remote option can improve conditions for everyone involved – and even reduce running costs.

We believe in building a supportive workplace that gets the best results for our staff and clients.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you too.